Can not British citizens buy British houses?

Of course you can buy it! There are no nationality restrictions on home buyers in the UK. And there is no household registration system in the UK, so there is no restriction on household registration.


Holding a British student visa, a tourist visa and a work visa can all buy a house in the UK.


If you want to buy a house in the UK, even if you are not in the UK, or are not a British citizen, or are not a British citizen, you can buy the UK. The country's house.


In other words, anyone can buy a house in the UK anywhere. Of course, there are some conditions, such as legal proof of funds,


even if you have never been to the UK and do not have any visa in the UK, you can buy a house in the UK remotely without restriction. Of.

Q @ A on Buying a House in the UK: How to Buy a House in the UK? Not a British nationality, not a British citizen, can you buy British property if you are not living in the UK?

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